• Beautiful Mystery

    → Role: R&D, Visualisation, Final Assembly

    → Company: Nerdindustries

    → Livestream: Opening the Pioneer Puzzle Box

    We developed a one-of-a-kind riddle box for Mouser Electronics and Analog Devices named the Pioneer Box. Three tricky riddles based on various sensors and technological mechanics needed to be solved by a tech influencer during a live stream on YouTube.

    The Pioneer Box is not an ordinary puzzle box. Starting, each side of the box displays a different color, pulsating throughout its corners. The challenger must rotate and hold the Pioneer Box until the color code corresponds to the pattern. Next, the hot spot needs to be found and exposed to heat. At all times, the Pioneer Box tracks and displays its current temperature via a color gradient. After all, the challenger has to hit the right tones of a pre-played melody - but this only works with the previously released magnets from the solved riddles.

    The Pioneer Box close up
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